Featured products
Frozen apple dices
We produce wholesale quantities of frozen apple cubes 4, 6 and 10mm...
Deep frozen strawberries
Deep frozen strawberries Involvement of many people in the process of preparation of...
Chocapple & Chocberry – crunchy freeze-dried apples and strawberries in chocolate
Sorry, this entry is only available in Polish....
Powdered apple juice
Powdered apple juice from Fresh Apple Box contains 100% vitamins. It is...
Cydr Ignaców – Cider
Cider Ignaców traditionally produced in autumn, only with freshly pressed juice of...
Fresh apple snacks
U.S. scientists study shows that children more often reach for an apple...
Fresh and aromatic dried apple peels
Fresh and flavorful crust apple green and red as additives to muesli. We...

Why us?
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Our Offer
The offer is addressed to supplier and service companies of the food industry, bakeries and pastry shops with large facilities for the storage of semi-finished products, shopping malls and their main suppliers, food wholesalers, restaurants with centralized warehouse and food distributors.